Hey Everyone,
I know updating this project has been slow, but I always have multiple projects on the go at once. I am very close to finally being able to call this project complete, and I wanted to post a few blog updates to bring me up to the present. I think I have done about 6/7 other projects in the timespan of this environment, but now it's time to finish this beast.
Now, the end is in sight. I am currently working on the final couple of assets and polishing the scene as we speak. So, more updates to come!
The last time I wrote a blog for this, I had just finished redesigning the look of the gas station, mostly shape-wise, as it moved a little bit too far away from my original intent.
Next, I started fleshing out the interior some more — just getting the structure in there, working on the trim sheet, and a few tiling materials.
I also made some props, starting with this bar stool. Which was a fun little contained asset.
I worked on material for the floor, which is a checkered tile. At this stage, I still was going pretty hard on the abandoned theme, so it has moss and a lot of grime (which I change at a later date)
Before Unreal came along with 5.3/5.4 and its material tesselation, I also experimented a bit with POM and contact shadow solutions to get some depth on the floor, which, considering there is no actual depth, is pretty convincing. I always felt like shadowing was missing from POM, so this helps sell it.
This was how things were looking at this stage.
I also worked on the walls, doing a pass and adding tiling materials, trim sheet sections and dirt decals.
I used the same techniques to detail out the roof. I created a base plastic material that I could use to drive the plastic panels on the walls as well.
Here is a bit more polish on the tiling plastic panels
and that same material applied in the scene.
Here is a first pass on the chair for the chairs and tables I have in the interior.
I also worked on the booth and lights. Initially, they were pretty grimy and mossy, which I later decided to change.
Here is a snapshot of some of those assets and materials in the scene.
Here is a screenshot of the interior as a whole and how it was shaping up at this stage.
Thanks for checking it out. Keep an eye out; I will post some more updates soon.